Baby Name Alex meaning and Astrology


baby names > Alex


Baby Name : Alex
Gender : Boy
Origin : English
Alex Meaning: Abbreviation of Alexander. Defender of man.
Variant: no variations
Number : 5
Moon Sign (Rashi) : Aries (Mesh)
Star (Nakshtra) : Krittika

baby Alex Name Alex is combinations of , one occurrence of A , one occurrence of E , one occurrence of L and one occurrence of X has a lots of significance in Astrology.
According to the Indian Astrology the persons with name Alex are creative. Astrology shows due the name effects these persons are very passionate towards their own creative works. They will get extreme success if they select any creative fields as their professional area. They are strong minded as well. Determinations towards their works help them to get success in their own path. They will get ample opportunities and through these opportunities they will flourish their lives in their own ways. Their promising nature attracts others towards them. Their promising nature sometimes makes them stubborn towards their work and decision as well. They are popular among their friend circle. Their good deeds and pleasing nature will help them to achieve the popularity. This name makes these persons loving and caring by nature. Love is in their air for all seasons. They love to live with good and happy mood through -out the years. These persons are with perfection. They always try to complete their works with exact perfection. Determination and perfection towards their works make them successful in their careers. As per Vedic astrology they are very much responsible towards their elders and superiors.


Name Alex or (no variations) means Abbreviation of Alexander. Defender of man..
Person with name Alex are dressy, foppish, and have an up to date style statement. Person with this name provides people the power to deal with everything with proper care. It is important to note that these individuals should have a balance in their lifestyle. They have a brimming ambition in them. These natives are often subject to severe criticism. Apart from this major drawback of this name, these natives are alone all the time. They even feel solitary while being among a huge crowd. But these people are advised to take opportunity to use the crowd. In terms of duty and professional life they are much too serious. However, they need to abandon their over confidence in their efficiency. In the commercial field these people are considered to be lucky. Its natives therefore should opt for an occupation accordingly. People of this name should maintain their physical fitness by having a workout regularly.

The natives with name Alex are likely to be very clear vision as far as their life opinions are concerned. They are honest too in their dealings. They are very free- minded lying bare their mind and have no hesitation to do so. The extreme straight cut way they adopt may hurt others sometimes. However, these people are not bothered about that. Natives of this name have a rigid determination. People who fall under this section show qualities of bravery. A very noteworthy feature of these persons is the thing, which they have a towering confidence, which helps them to succeed in their ways. A dominating tendency is to see very commonly in these natives. They enjoy subordinating others. These people are of a materialistic mind. People of name Alex are very proud about their own personality and achievements. An inherent leading personality is bliss for these persons. They are likely to ascend a long ladder of success. Yet, they are not grateful and will not pay back due gratefulness to people who helped them. Impulsion is the word for them. These natives have a wonderful coupling capacity with the people of the opposite gender. They can be a great friend of opposite gender, and the other way round.

Name Alex with the meaning for each letter (A, L, E, X)

AYou are born leader, over thinker, focused and dedicated. You can achieve your success with your hard work and passion.
LYou are passionate. You are artistic. You are good singer. You have pure soul. You are sweet talker.
EYou are a true charitable person by heart. You are pet lovers. Your positive energy is your strength. You are career oriented.
XYou are good businessman. You are successful. You are compassionate towards your dreams.

The persons’ names with Alex are very much loving and caring by nature. Love is the most priority of their life. They are true seeker of love and they are considered as born lover. They always love to be loved by someone. They can sacrifice everything for their love. Their love life will give them many beautiful memories. They can able to balance their life in proper way. They are very close to their parents and their siblings as well. They are loyal. Their excellent and extreme romantic quality will reward them a happy married life. They will earn lots of respect from their near and dear ones. Even they know how to achieve success. They always keep their mind cool at any situation and this will help them to solve the situation very easily.

According to Vedic Astrology the persons’ name start with Alex are good and polite at heart. They are very sweet talker and they know how to make friends. They will have lots of friends in various age groups. They are very family person and they love to spend their time with their family members, relatives and near and dear ones. They are very much popular among their friends. They love to spend time with their friends as well. They will have beautiful face and attractive physical structure. They love to maintain themselves in terms of beauty and physic. There is a possibility that they may fall in love frequently and easily, but this may harm their emotional phases in multiple times. They are very creative person by nature. They love to do singing, dancing, painting, gardening, writing and many other creative works. They are also focused regarding their career. They love to do works which have challenges and they know how to achieve success in their career. They are very kind hearted. They love to do charity. So they are connected with different types of charitable organizations. They are dog lovers as well.


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